VRT - Our Companies

VRT Partnerschaft mbB Wirtschaftsprüfer Steuerberater Rechtsanwälte

For us, the basis of any cooperation is the trust of our clients, which we have enjoyed for many years. Communication and cooperation are cornerstones of our consulting mentality. We love and live the consulting profession "Rhenish" - with optimism, drive and public spirit. This is also reflected in our daily work. At VRT, experts from various specialist areas work closely together in order to provide the best possible work for our clients at all times.

Our well-rehearsed cooperation also benefits you!


VRT Middle Class Consulting GmbH

Rigid lending policies, tougher competition, critical economic situation - today's SMEs have to fight on many fronts. Previously successful strategies and instruments are often no longer sufficient under these changed conditions if the company wants to maintain its position in the market in the future. Medium-sized companies need solutions that are demand-oriented and practical to implement. In cooperation with our colleagues from tax consultancy, auditing and legal advice, we offer the qualified support they need.

VRT Auditing Company

In your interest, we attach great importance to integrity, objectivity and neutrality in auditing. We analyse facts, present them transparently and uncover weaknesses in the company. It is in line with our integrative consulting approach within the scope of our auditing services to create economic added value for the client. For us, auditing is always the starting point for future-oriented, creative advice in economic, tax and legal terms.